The next step in the lives of Scott and Megan Mansfield began June 26, 2023 when Scott was named the Athletic Director at Enid High School. He began July 1st and it has been a busy month.
When I sat down and talked with Scott, he shared that the AD position was a long term life and career goal he just could not turn down. He went on talking about being an assistant coach under Reydon Leaton and then being named Northern Oklahoma College-Enid head baseball coach in 2019. He shared about the impact that Leaton, Jeremy Hise and Alan Foster had on him and his career.
Scott’s wife, Megan, is a special education teacher at Waller Junior High School. They both love Enid and are well invested in the community.
Scott is trying to identify both short term and long term goals. He wants to understand the job, understand each coach and chart a course to create quality student-athletes with high character that represent the community well. He also talked about continuing the Pacer and Plainsmen athletic success and encouraging young women and men to be leaders.
We talked about one of his biggest challenges: Helping student-athletes understand their need for instant gratification from social media and the process of being successful in sports.
So, I asked him how he was going to accomplish those goals. Scott smiled and talked about “Live the Creed”. It is a championship traits program to provide programs the best chance to be successful on and off the field. (See more details at enid high school athletics-championship traits program). The program was started by Billy Tipps, former EHS athletic director.
Mansfield wants to make sure the community is involved and wants to create excitement around each program. That will be accomplished through social media, digital media and media days for each sport.
This is an interesting time for Enid High athletics. Sports are on an up-swing! The football program was 6-6 last year winning a first round playoff game. The baseball program lost in the state championship game. Each sport showed improvement competing in Oklahoma’s top class, 6A. There is no doubt that Scott Mansfield wants to continue that trend supporting the coaches and the administration. Live the Creed!